Burak Aktas

Arquillian Example for CDI Dependency Injection

Arquillian is a platform which provides integration tests by deploying, running containers so that we can easily use cdi beans in tests. In this tutorial we will see how to inject and use cdi beans...

Java CDI Dependency Injection Example

CDI (Context and Dependency Injection) is a specification defined in JSR-299. Major aim is loose coupling by dependency injection.In this tutorial we will see how to use CDI Dependency Injection in...


Graphs are data structures to represent road networks, the web, social networks etc. Moreover, hundreds of computational problems are related to graphs.They have two main ingredient which are; ...


Quicksort is a sorting algorithm which applies divide and conquer paradigm. Quicksort has a worst case running time of \( O(n^{2}) \) , however, it has running time of \( O(n​ logn) \) on average w...

Selection Sort

Selection sort is an in-place comparison sort algorithm which has \( O(n^2) \) running time complexity in both best and worst case. Even though its logic is similar to insertion sort, it’s a very i...

Merge Sort

Merge sort is another comparison based sort algorithm. It closely follows divide-and-conquer paradigm, and provides \( O(n​lgn) \) run time complexity in worst and average cases, however, \( O(n) \...

Binary Search

Binary search is a searching algorithm which works on a sorted (ascending or descending) array. In each turn, the given key is compared with the key at the middle of the array, if it is equal to it...


The binary heap data structure is an array object that represents a nearly complete binary tree. Thus, each element of the array corresponds to a node of the tree. Heaps are useful data structures ...

Binary Search Trees

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a tree data structure that supports many dynamic operations includes ; Search Minimum Maximum Insert...

Insertion Sort

Insertion sort is an efficient algorithm for sorting a small number of elements, however, it is less efficient on large lists than more advanced sorting algorithms. On the other hand, it has severa...