Burak Aktas

Bubble Sort

Bubble sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithm which pairs are repeatedly compared and swapped if they are in wrong order. This process continues until no swaps are needed means that list is ...

Jersey Client Example with JSON Support

In this tutorial we will implement a Jersey client example with JSON support. The tools and technologies that I have used are; Eclipse 4.3.0 JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final ...

RESTEasy example without using a web.xml

In this tutorial we will implement a simple web service with RESTEasy implementation -it’s an implementation of the JAX-RS specification by JBoss- without using a web.xml file. I’ve used ...

mongoexport query with using date

Sometimes we might want to export only a specific part of our collection with query support of mongoexport. Suppose this is our notebook collection, and each document refers to a notebook with the...