In my previous articles, we saw how to implement OAuth flows for implementing protected APIs. In this tutorial, we will implement a protected API served through an API Gateway configured with IAM A...
API Gateway Websocket API Example with AWS CDK
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a basic application for publishing real-time notifications via websocket api from API Gateway. Before having API Gateway support for websockets we had ...
API Gateway Add Base Path Mapping into Existing Custom Domain with AWS CDK
In this tutorial we will learn how to add base path mappings into an existing custom domain on API Gateway. Managing shared infrastructure in a separate stack is one of the most common ways in soft...
API Gateway Lambda Custom Authorizer with AWS CDK
In this tutorial we will learn how to build and attach a Lambda Custom Authorizer for our Lambda Rest Api by provisioning required resources with AWS CDK. Though, before moving forward lets talk ab...
OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow with AWS Cognito in AWS CDK
We learned how to implement OAuth Authorization Code Flow which provides client facing apps to access protected resources in my previous tutorial. Now what if there are external companies, clients,...
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with AWS Cognito in AWS CDK
We created a Cognito User Pool and demonstrated a simple authentication by registering and logging in a new user in my previous tutorial. Now we will take a step further by adding a common OAuth au...
Create a Cognito User Pool with AWS CDK
AWS Cognito User Pool is a user directory which provides sign-up and sign-in functionalities for your users. In this tutorial we will use User/Password Auth Flow managed by a Cognito App Client. A ...
Spring Shedlock Tutorial
I talked about how to create a scheduled job in this post. Most of us probably faced with a use case to make only one specific cron job to run at a time in a distributed environment. For example; w...
AWS CI/CD CodePipeline with Blue/Green Deployment
We will walk through how to create a CI/CD pipeline in AWS. Basically, CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery which means whenever we push a new code change our pipeline will b...
Spring Security with JWT Tutorial
In this tutorial we will learn how to implement secured APIs in Spring Boot with using JWT tokens. First of all, we have to understand what is a JSON Web Token (JWT). JWT is an open standard (RFC7...